#!/bin/bash function redMessage { echo -e "\\033[36;1m${@}\033[0m" } function greenMessage { echo -e "\\033[32;1m${@}\033[0m" } function kekMessage { echo -e "\\033[36;1m${@}\033[0m" } function yellowMessage { echo -e "\\033[33;1m${@}\033[0m" } clear clear clear figlet Autostart | lolcat -a echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "1. Activate autostart" | lolcat echo "2. Disable autostart" | lolcat echo "3. Add SinusBot instance to Autostart" | lolcat echo "" read -p "Please enter a number: " autostart if [ "$autostart" = "3" ]; then if [ -f /etc/SinusAutostart/autostart -o -h /etc/SinusAutostart/autostart ] then greenMessage "Enter the SinusBot web interface port" read webport greenMessage "Enter a password for the selected instance" echo "The password is then always used!" | lolcat read pwfilee echo "sleep 3 clear rm -rf /tmp/.X11-unix/X40 /tmp/.sinusbot.lock su SinusPort-$webport -c 'cd; screen -AmdS SinusPort-$webport ./sinusbot --override-password=$pwfilee' clear" >> /etc/SinusAutostart/autostart echo "The SinusBot instance has been entered in the autostart system!" | lolcat else echo "The autostart function is not activated!" | lolcat sleep 1 yellowMessage "To use this function, the autostart function must be activated!" sleep 1 fi fi if [ "$autostart" = "2" ]; then echo "Autostart check..." | lolcat autoactive=$(head -n1 MultiData/autostart.RAW|tail -n1) if ! [ "$autoactive" = "active" ]; then echo "The autostart function has already been deactivated!" | lolcat sleep 1 echo "Exit Script..." | lolcat sleep 1.5 fi if [ "$autoactive" = "active" ]; then greenMessage "Deactivate autostart..." sleep 1 printf "NotActive" > MultiData/autostart.RAW sleep 0.5 mv /etc/SinusAutostart/autostart /etc/SinusAutostart/autostart-NotActive sleep 1 clear clear clear echo "Autostart has been deactivated!" | lolcat sleep 1.5 fi fi if [ "$autostart" = "1" ]; then if ! [ -f MultiData/autostart.RAW -o -h MultiData/autostart.RAW ] then printf "NotActive" > MultiData/autostart.RAW fi autotesting=$(head -n1 MultiData/autostart.RAW|tail -n1) if [ "$autotesting" = "active" ]; then echo "The autostart function is already activated!" | lolcat sleep 1.5 echo "Exit Script..." | lolcat sleep 1 fi if [ "$autotesting" = "NotActive" ]; then greenMessage "############################################################" echo " Autostart check" | lolcat greenMessage "############################################################" echo "" echo "" echo "Autostart is not active!" echo "" sleep 2.5 clear clear clear echo "Should the autostart be activated?" greenMessage "yes/no" read -p "Enter an answer: " quest if [ "$quest" = "yes" ]; then clear clear clear echo "Create data..." sleep 1 autoactivee=$(head -n1 MultiData/autostart.RAW|tail -n1) sudo mkdir -p /etc/SinusAutostart printf " echo "Created by RAW Networks" " >> /etc/SinusAutostart/auto.dat mv /etc/SinusAutostart/autostart-NotActive /etc/SinusAutostart/autostart sleep 1 clear clear clear printf "NotActive" > MultiData/autostart.RAW sleep 1 if ! [ "$autoactivee" = "active" ]; then printf "active" > MultiData/autostart.RAW fi sleep 0.5 clear clear clear echo "Install packages..." | lolcat sudo apt-get -qq install cron-apt screen -y >/dev/null sleep 1 crontab -l; echo '@reboot su -c "screen -AmdS consol /etc/SinusAutostart/autostart" root'| crontab - sleep 1 printf 'echo "SinusBot Autostart created by RAW Networks <3" ' >> /etc/SinusAutostart/autostart sleep 1 chmod 777 /etc/SinusAutostart/autostart clear clear clear echo "The autostart function has been activated!" | lolcat if [ -f MultiData/autostart.RAW -o -h MultiData/autostart.RAW ] then clear clear clear echo "The autostart function has already been activated!" | lolcat sleep 1.5 echo "Exit Script..." | lolcat fi if [ "$autostart" = "no" ]; then echo "Script is terminated..." | lolcat sleep 1.5 fi fi fi fi